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RPG Writing Forum 2015-11-04T22:20:09-04:00 http://rpgwriting.com/forum/feed.php?f=95 2015-11-04T22:20:09-04:00 2015-11-04T22:20:09-04:00 http://rpgwriting.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=327&p=4549#p4549 <![CDATA[Our Universe • Timeline of the Trek/Our Universe as we Know it]]>
320Vulcans and Romulans achieve warp capability(Star Trek: Star Charts)
370Confederacy of Surak, the official name of Vulcan, founded due to Great Awakening on Vulcan(Star Trek: Star Charts)
930Klingons achieve warp capability(Star Trek: Star Charts)
1154Andorians achieve warp capability(Star Trek: Star Charts)
1571First interstellar solar-sail flight from Bajor to Cardassia(Explorers)
1925 (?)Cardassians achieve warp capability(Star Trek: Star Charts)
1947Quark's shuttle crash lands in Roswell, Arizona(Little Green Men)
1966Viral experiment wipes out all adult life on Miri(Miri)
1968Gary Seven begins work for Aegis on Earth(Assignment: Earth)
1969Apollo XI lands on Earth's Moon
1970Khan Noonien Singh born(Eugenics Wars)
1986U.S.S. Enterprise-A retrieves a pair of humpback whales to answer probe attacking Earth in 2286(The Voyage Home)
1992-96Eugenics Wars(Eugenics Wars)
1996DY-100 sleeper ship S.S. Botany Bay, developed at Area 51, stolen by Gary Seven and presented to Khan to end Eugenics Wars (Eugenics Wars)
2020Shaun Christopher lands on Titan; landing site named Christopher's Landing(Tommorow is Yesterday)
2024Bell Riots in San Francisco(Past Tense)
2032Zefram Cochrane born(Metamorphosis)
2039Lunar Colonies founded (Earth's moon)(Star Trek: Star Charts)
2050s World War III(First Contact)
2063Cochrane launches Phoenix and makes first contact with Vulcans (April 5)(First Contact)
2078Optimum Movement reaches height of power, sparking the rekindling of World War III(Bread and Circuses, Encounter at Farpoint)
2079Postatomic Horror(Miri, Encounter at Farpoint)
2087S.S. Conestoga lands on Terra Nova(Star Trek: Star Charts)
2093Coridan achieves warp capability(Star Trek: Star Charts)
2103Mars terraformed and colonized as United Martian Colonies(The 37s, Star Trek: Star Charts)
2113United Earth government founded(Star Trek: Star Charts)
2151U.S.S. Enterprise NX-01, the first warp-5 starship, launched (April 11)(Broken Bow)
First contact with Andorians (July 15)(The Andorian Incident)
Contact re-established with Terra Nova colony(Star Trek: Star Charts, Terra Nova)
2153First contact with Tellarites(Bounty)
2156-60First Romulan War(Balance of Terror)
2160Romulan Neutral Zone established(Balance of Terror)
2161Establishment of the United Federation of Planets (Earth, Vulcan, Andoria, Tellar and Alpha Centauri were founding members) (Star Trek: Star Charts)
2165Sarek of Vulcan born(Sarek)
2178Terra Nova admitted to United Federation of Planets(Star Trek: Star Charts)
2183S.S. Horizon lands on Epsilon Bootis III and establishes Izar Colony (location of StarFleet Tactical School)(Star Trek: Star Charts)
2202United Rigel Colonies (Beta Rigel II, IV, V, VI & X) admitted to United Federation of Planets(Star Trek: Star Charts)
2222Montgomery Scott (Scotty) born
2223Deltans achieve warp capability and admitted into UFP(Star Trek: Star Charts)
2227Leonard McCoy born(Encounter at Farpoint)
2230Spock born
2233James T. Kirk born
2236S.S. Columbia crash lands on Talos IV with sole survivor(The Cage, The Menagerie)
2237Spock and T'Pring bonded(Amok Time)
Hikaru Sulu born
2239Uhura born
2242Scotty starts starship career
2243McCoy meets Emony Dax at Ole Miss(Trials and Tribble-ations)
2245Pavel Chekov born
2246Kodos the Executioner kills 4000 on Tarsus IV; Kirk survives along with Kevin Riley(Conscience of the King)
2249Risa admitted to United Federation of Planets(Star Trek: Star Charts)
2250Kirk assigned to U.S.S. Republic as first-year cadet(Court Martial)
2251-62U.S.S. Enterprise under command of Christopher Pike
2252Spock assigned to U.S.S. Enterprise(The Cage)
2253Spock graduates Academy and posted to U.S.S. Enterprise
2254Kirk graduates Academy and posted to U.S.S. Farragut as Lieutenant(Obsession)
Kirk leads survey mission on Neural(A Private Little War)
Half of the crew of the U.S.S. Farragut killed by cloud vampire(Obsession)
First contact with Rigel VII by U.S.S. Enterprise(Star Trek: Star Charts)
2257Kirk attends Command School where he meets Janice Lester(Turnabout Intruder)
2259U.S.S. Hornet commissioned
Deneb V achieves warp capability and admitted into United Federation of Planets (Star Trek: Star Charts)
Ardana achieves warp capability (Star Trek: Star Charts)
2260Chad Young born (January 4)
2261S.S. Beagle makes contact with Magna Roma(Bread and Circuses)
2263Chekov graduates Academy and assigned to U.S.S. Enterprise
Ardana admitted into United Federation of Planets(Star Trek: Star Charts)
2264Kirk promoted to Captain and placed in command of U.S.S. Enterprise
Scotty named Chief Engineer of U.S.S. Enterprise
U.S.S. Enterprise encounters Balok of the First Federation(Corbomite Maneuver)
Romulans discovered to be an offshoot of Vulcans(Balance of Terror)
Kirk attempts to steal a Romulan cloaking device(The Enterprise Incident)
Kelly Jean O'Connor born (June 12)
2265Spock named First Officer of U.S.S. Enterprise and promoted to Commander
Sulu assigned as staff physicist on U.S.S. Enterprise
U.S.S. Enterprise discovers S.S. Botany Bay adrift; Khan and his followers are exiled to Ceti Alpha V after a failed takeover of the Enterprise (Space Seed, The Wrath of Khan)
Cassandra MacLoad born
Cestus III colony founded(Star Trek: Star Charts)
2266McCoy named Chief Medical Officer of U.S.S. Enterprise
Uhura named communications officer on U.S.S. Enterprise
Sulu transferred to helm, U.S.S. Enterprise
Jayme and Jessica Kirk born
2267T'Pring divorces Spock(Amok Time)
First contact with Gorn in conflict over Cestus III(Arena)
Organian Peace Treaty(Errand of Mercy)
Capella and Miri become protectorates of the United Federation of Planets(Star Trek: Star Charts)
Coridan admitted to United Federation of Planets(Star Trek: Star Charts)
2268U.S.S. Enterprise sent to Sycorax to determine whether a colony of genetically-engineered supermen should be admitted into the Federation(Eugenics Wars)
Neural becomes a protectorate of the United Federation of Planets(Star Trek: Star Charts)
2269McCoy contracts xenopolycythemia, a fatal disease, which is cured by the information gained from the computer which runs Yonada(For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky)
First contact with Tholians (The Tholian Web)
Ardanian society reunified by Kirk(The Cloudminders)
Kirk promoted to Admiral and placed in charge of fleet operations at Earth
Spock retires from StarFleet to complete kohlinar(The Motion Picture)
Scotty promoted to Commander, oversaw refit of U.S.S. Enterprise(The Motion Picture)
Chekov promoted to Lieutenant and named Security Chief of U.S.S. Enterprise(The Motion Picture)
Ridika Myers born (December 18)
2270McCoy retires to enter private practice(The Motion Picture)
Sulu promoted to Lieutenant Commander and assigned to U.S.S. Enterprise(The Motion Picture)
2271Uhura promoted to Lieutenant Commander(The Motion Picture)
V'Ger comes to Earth(The Motion Picture)
Spock reactivated during V'Ger mission(The Motion Picture)
Jade Drak'nah born (March 28)
Diplomatic relations established between United Federation of Planets and Tholians(Star Trek: Star Charts)
Cestus III resettled by Humans and Gorn according to Metron treaty(Star Trek: Star Charts)
2272Benjamin Jamison born (August 9)
2273Betazed admitted into United Federation of Planets(Star Trek: Star Charts)
2274Rusty Hemd born
2275Son'a expelled from Ba'ku(Insurrection)
2277Kirk appointed to Academy faculty
Spock promoted to Captain; assigned to Academy faculty and cadet training(The Wrath of Khan)
Chekov assigned to U.S.S. Reliant(The Wrath of Khan)
Uhura assigned to Academy cadet training and StarFleet Command communications(The Wrath of Khan)
Sulu assigned to Academy cadet training and StarFleet Command helm operations(The Wrath of Khan)
2281Young graduates Academy and assigned to U.S.S. Excalibur
2282Young promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
2283O'Connor starts Academy
2285Young promoted to Lieutenant and transferred to U.S.S. Trinity
Scotty promoted to Captain with oversight of transwarp drive for U.S.S. Excelsior(The Search for Spock)
Chekov promoted to Commander and First Officer of U.S.S. Reliant(The Wrath of Khan)
Khan captures Genesis device(The Wrath of Khan)
Spock dies(The Wrath of Khan)
Spock is reborn(The Search for Spock)
David Marcus dies(The Search for Spock)
Kirk demoted to Captain for failure to obey direct orders(The Voyage Home)
Trill admitted into United Federation of Planets(Star Trek: Star Charts)
2286O'Connor graduates Academy and assigned to StarFleet Security on Earth
Whale-searching probe attacks Earth(The Voyage Home)
U.S.S. America NCC-1776 commissioned
2287O'Connor assigned to U.S.S. Alexis
Uhura assigned to U.S.S. Enterprise-A as communications officer(The Final Frontier)
Sybok hijacks U.S.S. Enterprise-A(The Final Frontier)
U.S.S. America destroyed
U.S.S. Hornet renamed U.S.S. America NCC-1776-A
2288O'Connor promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
Young promoted to First Lieutenant and assigned to Deep Space Station K-4
2289O'Connor transferred to U.S.S. America-A
Curzon Dax meets Kor, Kang and Koloth(Blood Oath)
Tuvok enters StarFleet Academy(Flashback)
2290O'Connor promoted to Lieutenant
Young promoted to Lieutenant Commander
Sulu promoted to Captain and given command of U.S.S. Excelsior(The Undiscovered Country)
2291O'Connor promoted to First Lieutenant
2292Alliance between Klingon and Romulan Star Empire collapses(Reunion)
2293Young transferred to U.S.S. Challenger
U.S.S. Excelsior detects explosion of Praxis(The Undiscovered Country)
Khitomer Accord(The Undiscovered Country)
Kirk presumed dead during U.S.S. Enterprise-B maiden voyage(Generations)
O'Connor promoted to Lieutenant Commander and transferred to U.S.S. Concordia; promoted to Commander after helping to rescue Enterprise-B from Nexus ribbon
Tuvok graduates Academy and assigned to U.S.S. Excelsior(Flashback)
2294U.S.S. Challenger destroyed; crew reassigned to U.S.S. Monitor
Jamison graduates Academy; assigned to U.S.S. America-A
Scotty presumed missing from U.S.S. Jenolen after retirement(Relics)
Spock takes command of U.S.S. Intrepid II with Uhura as First Officer and McCoy as Chief Medical Officer.
2295O'Connor promoted to Captain and given command of the U.S.S. America-A
Young and Jessica Kirk transferred to U.S.S. America-A
Myers and Drak'nah graduate Academy and posted to U.S.S. America-A
Jayme Kirk promoted to Captain and assigned to U.S.S. Defiant
Young promoted to Commander; DeLaney to Lieutenant; MacLeod and Drak'nah to Lieutenant Junior Grade
2296The Andorian Ambassador announces the secession of the Andorian delegation from the United Federation of Planets

Statistics: Posted by Amanda Rose — Wed Nov 04, 2015 10:20 pm
