RPG Writing is Springing Into Spring
Maybe I should say that we have sprung into spring, given that summer is a month away….
RPG Writing is quietly humming along. Just a few updates on what has been going on:
As one of the originators of Babel Conference (BaCon), we hosted it for the third year straight. Several of our writers presented both in voice and in text. We thank Theta Fleet, another original creator and Sim Central (in its first year) of hosting the Conference this past January and making it a rousing success again!
Some of you will have noticed that posts are once again showing up in the posts channel of our discord. As many of you know, I (Amanda Rose) am definitely not a computer genius. However, I was able to sort out the problem with our RSS bot and those posts are showing up again. You have likely seen posts coming out from USS Horizon, USS America, Project Delta, and Faltan Station. Unless you go to the Blood and Insanity Discord or its World Anvil page, you will not see the activity level in the D&D game, merely due to the fact that it is mostly a live action sim. Transcripts are occasionally posted on the World Anvil page.
On June 10, 2023, RPG Writing will be co-hosting SciWorld with Star Army. We are still looking for presenters, so if you have a topic that you are interested in hearing about or presenting, please do not hesitate to contact me, Amanda Rose in discord. I’ll likely be able to get you into the presenter lineup.
Also, as usual, please look at our website and discord. Tell me what you like. Tell me what you don’t like. Let me know how we can make it better. After all, RPG Writing is for all writers and gamers. I want this site to be something that everyone is proud of and easy for people to navigate. After gathering information, we will happily make more changes.
In the meantime, I hope that everyone likes what has been done so far. Thank you for being a part of our sims/games and RPG Writing!