Support Roles
The following support roles have been granted by the GM Council to support RPG Writing in its administrative and operational services. This reflects and enforces Bylaw 12 – Support Roles.
Public Relations Manager (PRM)
Current PRM: SteveClaypole
The Public Relations Manager (PRM) is responsible for promoting the public image of the RPG Writing Group including advertising for the group as a whole on websites outside of the group and organization of events that will give greater exposure to potential players/GMs.
- The PRM, as the public face of the RPG Writing Group, is expected to present a positive image with respect to any material published in the name of the group.
- The PRM cannot use his/her position as a platform for negative and/or hostile opinions on any subject.
- The PRM will be responsible for planning events designed to encourage the group’s sense of community.
- Before release, documents should be proofed/edited by at least one other individual for grammar and spelling. Because the PRM ‘s focus is promoting the positive image of the RPG Writing Group, the document should be checked for perceived inappropriate or offensive content.
- The PRM will be given administrative control over the Social Media used by RPGW as well as Author access on the RPGW Website.
- The PRM will be expected to make a monthly report to the GM Council regarding actions taken over the past month as well as the status of planned actions/events.
Technical Manager (TM)
Current TM: Vacant
The Technical Manager (TM) is responsible for upkeep and maintenance on the RPGW Website with oversight by the GM Council. The TM is also responsible for the maintenance of additional group services such as the Discord Server, Forum, Mailing List, etc.
- The TM will be given administrative control over the website, social media and additional services to facilitate support and development of the group’s online presence.
- The TM will assist, to the best of his/her knowledge, members of the RPG Writing Group with technical problems. If no solution can be found, an alternative option may be provided, if one is available, such as direction to a host, a software designer or other media for additional help.
- The TM will never be directly responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of a GM’s website unless by personal choice/private arrangement.
- The TM will be expected to make a monthly report to the GM Council regarding the scope of the work performed over the past month.
Recording Secretary (RS)
Current RS: Amanda Rose
While the role of the Recording Secretary is documented in the Articles and Bylaws, it is also mentioned here to better describe and assign additional duties and responsibilities to the position. The Recording Secretary (RS) is responsible for overseeing the vote process, documenting the decisions reached by the GM Council, and tracking the status of GMs and GM Council members.
- The Recording Secretary is responsible for opening and closing discussion periods on a particular topic. The Recording Secretary also tracks extensions to the discussion period by GM Council members.
- The Recording Secretary (RS) is responsible for setting up, announcing, moderating, tracking, and maintaining records of every vote taken by the GM Council as well as announcing the results of the vote.
- The Recording Secretary is not responsible for moderating the content of the discussion, only that the discussion follows the proper format.
- Should the voting discussion become heated and veer sharply from the issue at hand, the RS can request that the Council return to the matter under discussion. As a last resort, the RS can close the discussion temporarily, effectively putting the voting discussion timer on pause, for a maximum of 12 hours.
- At the conclusion of the vote, the RS will prepare a record of the vote including the entirety of the discussion preceding the vote and ensure that the information is archived.
- The RS also tracks appointments of support roles, resignations, (E)LOA status of a GM (as reported in the #E(LOA) channel on the group’s Discord server or any other designated place for reporting such absences), sim removals, and individuals who are banned from the RPG Writing Group.
- After verifying that the requesting person is authorized to receive the information, the RS will comply with requests for copies of the voting record as outlined in the Articles.
- The RS shall have Moderator control over the RPGW GM Council forum.
- If the RS is inactive due to LOA, a temporary replacement RS will be appointed by the Council.